Restore a company

Where the Registrar of Companies is satisfied that a company should be restored to the Register, the Registrar gives public notice of that intention. Once the 20 working day period to allow for objection to the restoration has passed, and assuming no objections have been received, the company is then restored to the Register.

A restoration application can be made by a shareholder/director, liquidator/receiver or creditor of the company. The courts may also order a company be restored or the Registrar may restore a company to the register. Prior to being restored the company will be required to file all past due annual returns and pay all outstanding fees and penalties.

 Step by step instructions 

To restore a company an application to restore (Form 37) is made by submitting:

  • An application and
  • The registration fee of TOP$450 (please add 15% consumption tax); and
  • Any outstanding annual returns and annual return filing fees and late filing fees: